Carpal Tunnel Treatment Braces


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      Finding the Best Wrist Brace for Carpal Tunnel

      Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition thought to be associated with repetitive motions of the hand or wrist, such as via assembly-line work, sewing or typing, though studies have shown the link is inconclusive. Regardless of the cause, carpal tunnel syndrome is an irritating to painful condition for millions of people.

      The source of this discomfort is compression or pressure on the median nerve as it passes through the carpal tunnel of the wrist into the hand. This pressure often stems from swelling due to any number of activities or preexisting Wrist Injuries. On the other hand, some individuals are simply born with smaller carpal tunnel structures that make them more prone to the condition.

      Carpal tunnel syndrome is not something that should be brushed off. Ignoring the pain, tingling, weakness, numbness, and coordination problems associated with the condition can result in permanent damage to the nerves or muscles of the hands, and thus, permanent discomfort.

      how your wrist should sit while working at a computer to prevent carpal tunnel

      Conservative treatments revolve around managing the swelling or any other issue that is causing the problematic pressure on the median nerve. The first line of defense for carpal tunnel, as with most injuries, is rest. 

      But resting the hands and wrist is not a simple matter. Most people are highly reliant on these parts of the body for everyday activity, for work, when caring for a child or family, when exercising, when eating, and may even put pressure on the area when sleeping. Thus most people rely on a carpal tunnel wrist brace for giving the wrist and hands a break.

      Carpal Tunnel Braces for Night and Day Use

      For some, wearing a carpal tunnel night brace suffices. In this case, it is worth checking out the soft hand splint. This is one of the best carpal tunnel braces for use at night because it is individually moldable to fit your shape, and it features a finger rest pad as well as a thumb surround pad to immobilize the thumb.

      Because this carpel tunnel brace is designed to be more constrictive so one can heal as quickly as possible, the brace is adjustable and it can be easily put on and taken off. As you might imagine, the extra support this brace provides makes it an especially popular hand brace for carpal tunnel following surgery or after having a cast removed.

       For others, a carpal tunnel splint or brace should be worn during the day as well. The lace-up wrist immobilizer functions as a carpal tunnel brace that can be worn both during the day and at night; it can also work simply as a wrist stabilizer brace.

      This wrist brace for carpal tunnel secures the wrist while allowing normal function of the hand, including gripping motions. The compression and immobilization of this brace for carpal tunnel can be adjusted, which means it can be used in a number of situations, including after surgery.

      The carpal tunnel wrist immobilizer is composed of breathable, lightweight material that is machine-washable. Also, it comes with a very affordable price tag.

      Another commonly recommended approach to treating carpal tunnel is to make sure to follow ergonomic best-practices when working at a computer and avoid aggravating motions as much as possible. Check out this article about ergonomic practices one should employ when at work.

      Carpal Tunnel Wrist Braces for Sports

      Anti-inflammatory medications and icing the affected area may also be recommended for getting swelling under control. A compression sleeve may also be helpful for reducing swelling in the wrist following an injury.

      A compression-style brace, such as the neoprene wrist wrap, is much less restrictive than typical wrist braces for carpal tunnel. Plus, this brace for carpal tunnel provide targeted compression to stimulate blood flow, thereby quickly easing swelling and relieving discomfort.

      These characteristics make these wrist braces for carpal tunnel syndrome favorites among athletes who cannot have carpal tunnel or other such wrist injuries interfering with their performance.

      Carpal Tunnel Wrist Braces for Prevention

      The Tunnel Tamer wrist brace helps place your wrist and forearm in a straight line, allowing your median nerve and tendons to function properly. This lightweight, non-slip material helps relieve pain associated with the repetition of everyday life.