SI Joint Pain Treatment Braces


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      How Do I Know If I Have Si Joint Pain Dysfunction or Tailbone Pain?

      Use this anatomy chart to explain the location of sacroiliac joint pain dysfunction or tailbone pain

      Your sacroiliac joints or si joints are located at the end of your spine right above your tailbone. Although most joints in your body are meant to help your body move, twist, turn, etc., these joints are immobile, only allowing four degrees of rotation. Even though they are immobile, they are vital to your everyday movements! They help you balance and function as shock absorbers for your spine. These tailbone joints are ‘self-locking’ which means they lock when your body prepares to walk, run, or jump. So it’s no surprise these joints endure a lot of stress, weight, and tension from your spine… leading to si joint pain (also known as sacroiliac joint dysfunction).

      For those who are suffering from si joint dysfunction, you will most likely have discomfort or pain in your lower back region. In addition, other symptoms that come with si joint pain include:

      • Pain in your hips, groin, or thighs
      • Trouble sleeping through the night
      • Difficulty balancing
      • Burning or stiff sensation in your pelvis 

      These symptoms occur more commonly in the morning, after you’ve sat down for a long time, or when you’re doing physical activity that strains your joints such as climbing stairs.

      Wondering what causes si joint dysfunction? Read our blog on the most common causes of si joint pain!

      Top 9 Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Treatment Options

      1. Anti-inflammatory medications for tailbone pain relief

        Such anti-inflammatory medications can help reduce swelling and eliminate some of your initial coccyx pain. Ice and heat therapy to give you sacroiliac pain relief.

      2. Ice and heat therapy to give you sacroiliac pain relief

        Alternating between ice and heat therapy is a great tailbone pain treatment home remedy. You can start by placing ice on the irritated area to help diminish the swelling and inflammation caused by your si joint pain. Using heat on the area will help promote blood flow and relax your joints, therefore relieving your si joint pain.

      3. SI joint relief steroid injections

        Another coccyx pain treatment is getting steroid injections. Such injections not only help relieve tailbone pain but can help your physician diagnose and determine your specific si joint pain condition. To help diagnose your pain, your doctor will inject these steroids into your si joints and ask you to move your hips around. While doing this, if you experience a large amount of relief, then you likely have si joint dysfunction.

        On the other side of injections, these will help numb your si joints, in turn, relieving the pain momentarily. Such injections aren’t a permanent treatment option and you may have to endure numerous injections to receive si joint pain management.

      4. Correcting abnormal gait is a helpful si joint treatment option

        An ‘abnormal gait’ is a fancy way to say someone has a different way of walking or have a different walking pattern. Having an abnormal gait can be an underlying cause of si joint dysfunction as it can place more stress and tension on your joints. Exercises that incorporate both balance and resistance can help correct or reduce your abnormal gait.

      5. Losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight

        For those considered obese or plus size, lower back pain is quite common. The excess weight that you carry on your stomach makes your spine and joints work harder to keep your body upright. Losing weight if you’re a larger man or woman will help take that extra stress off your joints, especially your sacroiliac joints.

        Being obese can cause many other orthopedic conditions such as knee pain, back discomfort, osteoarthritis, and more. At BraceAbility, we have a large supply of braces to fit every individual and condition. Check out our bariatric or plus size braces to find the best support for you! If you’re unsure if you’re considered obese or are wondering what your current BMI level is, use this easy calculator to find out!

      6. Wearing a si joint brace for sacroiliac treatment

        Wearing a sacroiliac joint belt such as the ones above are great tools for treating si joint pain! These braces help tremendously with those suffering from si joint dysfunction, more specifically for those whose joints are too loose or hypermobile. Sciatica pain relief braces help apply compression to your joints, which prevent them from moving too much. This treatment option for si joint pain is an easy way to reduce your distress and many of our belt options are low profile, allowing you to wear discreetly beneath your clothing.

      7. Physical therapy

        Si joint physical therapy is another way to gain sacroiliac pain relief. Your physical therapist will help teach you exercises, stretches, and other ways to say goodbye to your si joint discomfort.

      8. SI joint pain treatment exercises & stretches 

        Exercises to relieve si joint pain can be very helpful during your recovery process. Exercises for sacroiliac joint irritation typically incorporate yoga or Pilates as this help improve flexibility, balance, and strength.

        Our sacroiliac inflammation treatment plan also incorporates stretches into your regular regime. Stretches for si joint tenderness involve many movements to your hips, abdomen, and lower back. Stretching these components will help increase flexibility and balance. Read our blog for the best 6 exercises to help SI joint pain!

      9. Surgery is an option for severe coccydynia treatment

        Unfortunately, those who have severe sacroiliac joint dysfunction or those who don’t find relief from the suggested conservative treatment options above may have to endure surgery to treat your sore tailbone. Typically, traditional si joint fusion surgery involves fusing the bones of your si joints into one. Another option is iFuse implant system, which is a less invasive option involving small incisions and inserting titanium implants to your pelvic bone.

      We advise speaking with your doctor to help determine your best surgery option for your specific condition!

      Sacrum Pain Relief Treatment Options for Pregnant Women

      Women have a higher chance of developing sacroiliac joint dysfunction for many different reasons. Some examples are that women have wider hips than men, one less sacral segment compared to men, and hormonal changes during menstruation. If you’re expecting, your chance increases as well.

      When you’re pregnant, the hormonal changes throughout your trimesters result in an over mobile si joints. In addition, carrying around extra weight forces your spine to work harder, which as mentioned above, takes a toll on your sacroiliac joints too. Luckily for you, there are many ways to decrease your si joint pain from pregnancy. Wearing a lower back brace, exercises, having healthy eating habits, wearing supportive shoes, and having proper lifting techniques are all great ways to relieve your pain. You can read more about each of these different sacroiliac joint pain treatment options for pregnant women!

      Expecting mothers can experience much different back, abdomen, and spine pain throughout their pregnancy. We have a large variety of maternity braces especially for pregnant women to help support them throughout their journey!