Rib Belts


      3 products

      3 products

      Rib injury and chest wrap for sore, broken, or bruised rib cage
      27 Reviews
      $17.99Regular price $29.99 Sale price
      Women's bruised rib belt support brace
      20 Reviews
      $17.99Regular price $29.99 Sale price

      Rib Pain: What It Means & When to Take It Seriously

      Ribs are important for the normal movement of the chest and other abdominal organs. Did you know that something as simple as coughing can result in fractured ribs? A broken rib, or any rib injury for that matter, should be treated right away to avoid long-term damage or permanent issues.

      Why Do My Ribs Hurt?

      Rib pain can be the result of a number of things. Whether it was a car accident, a football injury, or even an aggressive cough, major damage could be done to your ribs, resulting in some major pain. Depending on where your pain is can tell you a few different things about what your pain actually means. Pain on the side, or under the rib cage, for example, is very common and signals that your ribs may be bruised, dislocated, or even fractured. If your ribs are painful and tender to the touch or while you are bending and twisting, you may be experiencing an intercostal muscle strain. Your ribs play a big role in your body, and if they are damaged, they can cause a lot of things to go wrong. Rib pain isn’t something to take lightly. Take the time to discover what your pain means and treat it accordingly.

      How Can I Tell If I Have A Broken or Fractured Rib?

      If you experience chest or back pain that does not go away or gets worse, you might have a bruised, broken, or fractured rib. While a bruised rib can be extremely painful, it is more of a low-impact injury in comparison to a break or fracture. A broken rib is when a rib breaks into two or more pieces. A fractured rib is when the rib cracks but stays intact.

      There are a few different indications that someone may have a broken rib. The most common symptom is pain on the side of the body, especially on deep breaths or coughing. In addition to that, if you have broken ribs, you will likely experience more pain when you touch your chest on the injured side.

      Here are three simple ways to tell if you have a broken or fractured rib:

          1. Blow Onto Your Hand

            Take a deep breath and then blow into the palm of your hand. A broken rib will cause pain as you do this.

          2. Feel for the Rib Break

            Lay down on your back and put your two index fingers across the front of your chest bone, where you would expect the ribs to meet. Press down gently while taking deep breaths in and out. If you feel pain or cracking where the ribs meet, it may be a sign of a fracture.

          3. Keep Track of Your Pain

            Coughing, laughing, and small movements such as twisting will all cause some major pain if your ribs are broken or fractured.

      If you are not sure what type of chest injury you may have sustained, you should seek medical attention immediately.

      What Is the Best Broken Rib Treatment?

      Different types of rib injuries can be handled differently. The proper treatment for each situation will depend on how severe it is.

      Here are some of the best treatment methods to help with bruised ribs, fractures, and injuries:

      • Ice packs
      • Compression bandaging, splinting, and wrapping
      • Anti-inflammatory medication
      • Rest and avoiding overuse
      • Medical heating pads
      • Chest & breathing exercises
      • Hot showers or baths

      Should I Be Using a Rib Belt?

      Rib belts, wraps, and braces are used to compress the rib cage, offering compression and extra support after an injury or medical condition. The injury will most commonly be a bruised or fractured rib, but chest wraps can be used for a variety of purposes.

      Chest Wrap for Bruised Rib Cage

      Bruised ribs can happen for many reasons such as a big fall or blow to the chest, but those in high-contact sports (football, rugby, boxing, etc.) are at a much higher risk. Wearing a supportive, padded rib belt can help prevent you from making any sudden movements or sustaining further injury while you recover from your rib pain.

      Rib Cage Injury Wrap

      Female Rib Flare Treatment

      A rib injury belt can help with several injuries, pain, and conditions that occur in the chest or ribs. For a female, it can be an extremely difficult process to find a rib wrap that fits properly to the curves of your body. We kept that in mind while designing a female rib belt contoured to fit a woman’s body without conflicting with one’s breasts, so no matter your shape and size, you can find rib pain relief.

      Women’s Rib Support Brace

      Support Belt for Bruised or Fractured Ribs

      Whether you’ve bruised, broken, sprained, or fractured your ribs, the use of a chest wrap can be useful during your recovery. Thanks to the added support and pain relief a rib belt can provide to the surrounding muscles, they have proven to be helpful as you heal. Closely related, this wrap can help with the pain caused by a fractured sternum and provide protection as you heal. In addition to the pain relief, the compression of the rib wrap can help reduce inflammation and encourage blood flow, helping to ensure quick healing.

      Broken Rib Protector Belt

      How Long Will It Take to Heal My Rib Cage Injury?

      The healing time for rib injuries depends heavily on the severity of the injury. In most cases, broken ribs will take about one to two months to heal, however, it can vary greatly depending on if you can heal properly without any further damage or setbacks. Wearing a rib protector during this time can be an effective way to ensure you heal both properly and quickly.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      How Long Can I Wear My Rib Support?

      A chest belt can be worn throughout the day for support and compression while recovering from a fracture, sprain, or some other type of injury to your ribs. Ask your doctor before wearing this belt while sleeping.

      Can I Wear a Chest Wrap Under My Clothes?

      All rib belts were designed with your comfort in mind. When it comes to rib injuries, feeling soothing compression against your skin is a must. You can wear these discreet chest wraps under your clothes for low-profile protection.

      How Do I Clean a Rib Protector?

      You’ll want to ensure you keep your chest support clean, especially if you’re using it often. All of the wraps come with an easy-to-follow instruction sheet that includes more specific washing directions. However, most braces can be hand washed with mild detergent, rinsed thoroughly, and air-dried.

      Who Can Wear a Rib Brace?

      We offer a range of sizes and fitting a wide variety of chest circumferences designed in women’s, men’s, and unisex, plus-size styles.

      How Does a Bruised Rib Support Work?

      With chest and rib injuries or pain, there is a need for compression and extra support. These rib belts were designed to treat and ease pain by providing comfortable compression, support, and protection during your daily activities so you can get back to doing what you love while you heal.