What Brace Do I Need?
All of the braces above serve many purposes. Alongside posture supports, these other back straighteners help with many different conditions and health problems. Below are our suggested brace options for each specific back problem:
Why Should I Want to Correct My Posture?
It’s important to note that good posture does not only include sitting up straight, but additionally, maintaining proper alignment when sitting, standing, lying down, and even simple movements to avoid misalignment of the spine. At BraceAbility, we offer a variety of posture correctors that aid in straightening and improving your posture and back. With these back straighteners, pain and future health problems associated with poor posture can be avoided. A posture support serves as a reminder for you to maintain proper posture throughout the day. We also offer a posture brace for kids! Practicing good posture is extremely important to support and balance your spine, which in turn can prevent the pain and tension associated with an unsupported and unbalanced spine. When you slouch, your muscles are forced to work harder. This extra work and weight put on your muscles can cause tightness, tension and soreness of the muscles in your neck all the way down to your lower back.
Everyday Ways to Help Maintain Perfect Posture
There are many effective practices one can incorporate into their everyday routine to improve and straighten their posture. Strengthening your muscles and avoiding poor posture is the best way to straighten your back. The following practices are specific things you can do to help improve your posture:
● Take a break from the desk: If you have a sedentary job, such as a desk or computer job, be sure to take a break (about every half hour) throughout the day. Stand up, walk around, and stretch for a couple of minutes to give your back and spine a break from the extra pressure placed on your muscles.
● Sit up straight: While sitting at your desk, having tall posture with your shoulders dropped is crucial in order to avoid muscle tension. Take full advantage of the chair by sitting with your hips as far back against the chair as possible, and keep your knees at hip level, or even lower.
● Pilates or yoga: Pilates and yoga are great ways to strengthen your core and improve flexibility. Strengthening the muscles in your core (abdominal and pelvic areas) is crucial in developing good posture.
● Retrain your muscles: You can retrain your muscles and other tissues by lifting weights and doing strengthening exercises to improve posture and strengthen your core.
● Sleep with good posture: If you sleep on your back, sleep with a pillow underneath your feet and knees in order to raise your legs. If you sleep on your side, place a pillow between your legs. Try to avoid sleeping on your stomach unless advised by your doctor. Be sure to have a pillow with the proper elevation for your preferred position. In addition, choose a firm mattress that will support your spine.
● Stand properly: While standing, try to avoid putting all of your weight on one leg or hip for a long period of time. Distributing your body weight evenly to the front, back, and sides of your feet will stabilize and support your spine. It’s also important to keep your shoulders back and aligned. Use your stomach muscles to keep your body straight and upright. Try to avoid standing in one position for too long by frequently shifting your weight, or resting one foot on a stable object.
● Choose your shoes wisely: If you’re on your feet for a long portion of the day, it’s extremely important to choose comfortable, supportive shoes that fit properly. It’s recommended to wear shoes that offer good support when exercising as well. Wearing high heels and shoes with weak, thin soles will affect posture and make your spine and back unbalanced.
Wondering how poor/good your posture is? Take our posture quiz to help gage your current posture level!
Spine Curvature Disorders
In a healthy spine, there’s a natural curve to help absorb the stress and strain from body movements throughout the day. For some individuals, they might have an unnatural curve leading to discomfort and pain.

There are three main types of spine curvature disorders:
- Lordosis: The spine curves inward at the lower back
Causes: Poor posture, kyphosis, obesity, and discitis (disc disorder)
- Kyphosis: Abnormal rounding of the upper back (greater than 50 degrees)
Causes: Osteoporosis, disk degeneration, birth defects, and cancer treatments
- Scoliosis: Sideways curve of the spine, s-shaped or c-shaped
Causes: Bone abnormalities, previous back injuries, traumatic injuries, and abnormal muscles or nerves
Learn more about spine curvature disorders and how to tell which spine disorder you might have.